It’s a myth that productivity comes from long hours and inflated salaries. It starts with the tools we use every day. Let’s take a look at which software solutions have proven to increase productivity, and why that is.

Shift planning software

Shift planning is a fact of management, one that has unfortunately become a task that doesn’t generate much excitement within the ranks. Entities like Deputy scheduling software have lightened the load for shift managers, no longer needing to work from archaic programs and (often paper) systems to keep shifts rolling.
It also saves time for the employees completing shifts, who can log-in and gain a quick snapshot of the shifts planned for that day, week, or month. No more calling ahead to find out shifts, or relying on others to check and deliver our weekly schedules. The clean interface will also facilitate shift changes and comments, so that shift managers can review the notes without being roped into each issue. A clean and intuitive scheduling software can boost productivity in any workplace, giving back those critical hours to tasks that are more deserving.

Workflow software

The premise of ‘workflow’ has been something that has gained great traction in the last ten years. Previously, the focus surrounded individual time management, but now we look at the bigger picture to see how our tasks work with the greater workflow of the business. As working conditions change, workflow feasibility becomes more relevant with some teams living and working in different cities and countries altogether. The best workflow platforms will allow for tasks to be created, shared, tracked, and completed by members of the team. Not typically shared with clients and suppliers, the software is designed to create a virtual working environment used by freelancers through to CEOs. If you are looking to integrate a workflow solution in your team, trial a few software options before you select one to make sure it’s the right fit for the entire team.

Outsourced payroll software

There is a huge industry shift towards outsourcing payroll seen across all sectors in recent years. With many businesses looking for ways to be more agile and productive, payroll is a task that is automated enough to be managed by a third party, while also ensuring security, accuracy, and compliance. Outsourced payroll will often come with a sleek software package that gives your finance team access to a range of reports, and dashboard displays of current and future balances. This can also be used by higher management and owners, often displaying key information in a format that translates to all stakeholder types. Unburden your team by taking payroll out of the house, and be more productive with modern software solutions that can be accessed through smart devices from anywhere in the world. A productive team should be the standard in any business, rather than a best-case-scenario. There are changes you can make that will impact morale and the work environment, but it is ultimately the right software that will drive the greatest and most sustainable change for your business. Starting with shift planning, workflow, and payroll solutions will relieve the greatest pressures and will have your team working towards a more productive state immediately.