After the changes of WhatsApp Privacy Policy, there’s a huge drastic change in social media usage too. New users who look over messaging services and want to move to Telegram, here’s the good news for you. Telegram has launched a new feature wherein a user can import a user’s chat history from WhatsApp.  Users won’t get wiped or lose their chat history while switching from WhatsApp to Telegram. Telegram has stated that the new feature will be accessible for Android users. According to the New iOs version 7.4 update for Telegram, users can also be able to import chats from other messaging service apps like Line and KakaoTalk.  Telegram having more than 500 million users across the globe, following a huge marketing strategy to make users of WhatsApp and other messaging platforms feel comfortable while switching to Telegram. The WhatsApp New Privacy Policy is the main reason behind it as it can cause the downfall of WhatsApp in the future days too.  

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